Meet the Doctors of Princeton Chiropractic Clinic
The Doctors who practice at Princeton Chiropractic Clinic are dedicated to treating you to their fullest potential. We want to treat you and have you pain free in no time. Chiropractic therapy often works quickly. Meet our dynamic doctor duo!
Jim Gibbs
Doctor of Chiropractic
Certified Athletic Trainer
Dr. Jim joined Princeton Chiropractic Clinic in 2005 after graduating from Northwestern Health Sciences University. His undergraduate degree is from University of Northwestern St. Paul in Kinesiology/Athletic Training. In his free time he enjoys working as a sideline athletic trainer for various Princeton High School sports.
Jim has been married to his wife Angie since 2000. They have 2 school aged children, Eli and Liliana. Jim and Angie enjoy following their children’s activities and being involved at their church.
Michael Gibbs
Doctor of Chiropractic
Dr. Mike founded the Princeton Chiropractic Clinic in 1970. He retired in August of 2019. Thank you to Dr. Mike for nearly 50 years of service!
Mike has been married to his wife Jan for 46 years. They have 3 grown sons. They love to spend their free time with their grandchildren. They are also avid bicyclists and enjoy being active in their church.